
Best Aerospace Engg Colleges in India

Deciding where to pursue a degree in aerospace engineering can be as challenging as the subject itself. With India’s rich landscape of educational institutions, it’s crucial to know which colleges stand out in this high-flying field. I’m here to guide you through the crème de la crème of aerospace engineering colleges across the country.

From the bustling tech hubs of Bengaluru and Hyderabad to the academic prowess of IIT Bombay, these institutions are not just about prestigious names but also about groundbreaking research and excellent placement records. Whether you’re aiming for the stars with astronautical engineering or keeping it closer to home with aeronautical expertise, we’ll delve into what makes these colleges the top choices for aspiring aerospace engineers. So buckle up and prepare for takeoff as we explore the best aerospace engineering colleges in India.

Top Colleges for Aerospace Engineering in India


Other Prominent Colleges for Aerospace Engineering in IndiaThe quest for the finest aerospace engineering institutions in India takes us through an impressive array of establishments that have carved a niche in this specialised field. Let me take you through some of the premier institutions that are shaping the future of aerospace engineering in India.

Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay (IIT Bombay)


Often mentioned in the same breath as excellence and innovation, IIT Bombay is not just a prestigious name but a symbol of academic and professional success in the field of aerospace engineering. With a NIRF ranking of 3, this institution is sought-after for its cutting-edge research facilities and strong industry ties that facilitate excellent placements. IIT Bombay’s collaborations with leading aerospace firms provide a practical edge to the theoretical knowledge imparted here, making its graduates some of the most employable in the industry.

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc Bangalore)

Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (IISc Bangalore)

As an institute revered for its research contributions and academic rigour, IISc Bangalore stands out for its MTech in Aerospace Engineering. Recognised as an Institute of Eminence by the government, it boasts an A NAAC accreditation, underlining the quality of education it imparts. Established in 1909, it has an illustrious history and a tradition of excellence that continues to attract students from all over the world. For those looking to delve deep into research, IISc is a veritable gold mine.

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT Madras)

Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT Madras)

IIT Madras takes the lead with a NIRF ranking of 1, reflecting its unparalleled academic atmosphere and research capabilities. This institution is famed for its robust curriculum and state-of-the-art facilities, providing students with a holistic understanding of aerospace engineering. The campus environment fosters innovation and has been the birthplace of numerous notable projects in the aerospace sector.

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram

Founded by ISRO in 1956, IIST Thiruvananthapuram has a distinctive edge for those interested in the space aspect of aerospace engineering. It offers BTech programs in both Aerospace and Avionics Engineering, emphasizing hands-on experience in its well-equipped labs, like the Open Circuit Wind Tunnel Lab and the Laboratory for Hypersonic and Shock Wave Research. With a total intake of 180 students and JEE Advanced scores as the admission criterion, it remains one of the most competitive and specialised institutions in the field.

Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi

Birla Institute of Technology, Ranchi

BIT Ranchi is a well-respected institution that commands respect in engineering circles for its robust academic programs and excellent faculty. The curriculum here is finely tuned to meet industry standards, ensuring that graduates are well-prepared for the challenges of the aerospace sector.

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kanpur

IIT Kanpur is synonymous with excellence in engineering education. With a strong focus on research and development, students here are provided with ample opportunities to engage in groundbreaking projects and learn from some of the best minds in the field.

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur

With a NIRF ranking of 5, IIT Kharagpur is another illustrious name in the domain of aerospace engineering. Its alumni network spans the globe, and the institute’s commitment to fostering a culture of innovation ensures its graduates remain in high demand.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology (SVIT), Vasad

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology (SVIT), Vasad

Although not as well-known as the IITs, SVIT Vasad has carved a niche for itself with its dedicated Aerospace Engineering program. Its meticulous approach to education and practical exposure makes it a noteworthy choice for students who are serious about making a mark in this field.

Other Prominent Colleges for Aerospace Engineering in India


Exploring aerospace engineering colleges in India yields a list of institutions that stand out for their academic excellence and industry connections. In this section, I’m diving into some other prominent colleges that offer noteworthy aerospace engineering programs.

Rajalakshmi Engineering CollegeZ

Rajalakshmi Engineering CollegeZ

Situated in Chennai, Rajalakshmi Engineering College (REC) is recognised for its dynamic aerospace engineering program. The college’s approach blends theoretical knowledge with hands-on practical experience. Here are some compelling features:

  • REC boasts state-of-the-art laboratories.
  • The college fosters a strong connection with the aerospace industry.
  • Students often engage in innovative projects and internships.

Industry collaboration is a linchpin of REC’s educational model, ensuring that students graduate with a real-world understanding of aerospace engineering challenges.

Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology

Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology

Another prestigious institution is the Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology. Here’s why it’s a top choice:

  • The institute offers comprehensive undergraduate and postgraduate courses in aerospace engineering.
  • Its curriculum includes the latest technologies and teaching methodologies.
  • Emphasis is placed on research development, significant for aspiring aerospace engineers.

Sathyabama’s alumni have a notable presence in the aerospace sector, a testament to the institute’s quality of education.

Kumaraguru College of Technology Coimbatore

Kumaraguru College of Technology Coimbatore

Kumaraguru College of Technology (KCT), Coimbatore, stands tall with its innovative curriculum and excellent infrastructure. Important aspects include:

  • Research-oriented approach to learning.
  • Strong emphasis on practical and industry-relevant experiences.
  • Consistent track record of producing adept professionals.

KCT graduates are well-equipped to take on complex engineering challenges in their careers.

Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research

Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research

In the realm of aerospace engineering education, the Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research (BIHER) shines brightly. Some of its key features are:

  • A curriculum that follows international standards.
  • Robust mentorship and guidance from faculty members.
  • Significant focus on cutting-edge research and technology.

Students from BIHER leave with a deep understanding of aerospace engineering, ready to contribute to this fast-evolving field.

Acharya Institute of Technology

Acharya Institute of Technology

Bangalore’s Acharya Institute of Technology (AIT) is a frontrunner in the field of aerospace engineering due to several factors:

  • Diverse course offerings covering various aspects of the discipline.
  • AIT places strong importance on interdisciplinary learning.
  • The institute fosters a thriving academic community that encourages innovation.

With an education from AIT, students are well-prepared to meet the challenges and demands of the aerospace industry.

By examining these institutions, it’s evident that India’s commitment to aerospace engineering education is robust, as reflected in the quality and diversity of its academic programs. Students have a wealth of options when choosing where to pursue their aerospace engineering ambitions.

Factors to Consider in Choosing a College

When it comes to selecting an aerospace engineering college in India, there are several crucial factors I always advise prospective students to consider. The college that one chooses can profoundly influence their career trajectory and make a significant difference in their future prospects.

Course Curriculum

One of the most critical aspects to evaluate is the course curriculum. It’s vital to ensure that the college offers a comprehensive and current syllabus which is regularly updated to reflect the latest advancements in the field. An ideal curriculum should strike a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application, preparing students for the challenges of the real world. I’m particularly attentive to the presence of specialized modules that cater to different facets of aerospace engineering, from aircraft design to propulsion systems. A rigorous curriculum that’s also flexible and broad-ranging will enable students to pursue their interests within the field and adapt to the continuous evolution of aerospace technology.

Faculty and Research Opportunities

Another aspect to factor in is the quality and experience of the faculty, along with research opportunities. The academic staff should consist of respected and active professionals in the aerospace engineering community. It’s a good sign when faculty members are involved in ground-breaking research, have a substantial number of publications, and sustain industry connections. Such involvement can enrich the learning environment and provide students with a window into contemporary aerospace issues. Moreover, opportunities for students to engage in research projects, either during the academic year or as summer placements, are invaluable for gaining experience and can also be a stepping stone to further study or employment.

Placement and Internship Opportunities

Finally, placement and internship opportunities are paramount. Colleges with strong ties to the aerospace industry and a solid track record of placing students in reputable firms enhance employment prospects. It’s important to look into the college’s placement rate and the caliber of companies that recruit from their campus. Internships, often facilitated by the college’s partnerships, provide practical experience which is essential in this hands-on field. They not only help students apply what they’ve learnt in a real-world setting but also allow them to establish a network within the aerospace sector. These connections and experiences can be invaluable when beginning a career in such a competitive and technical industry.


Choosing the right college for aerospace engineering in India is a crucial step towards a successful career in this dynamic field. I’ve taken you through the crème de la crème of institutions that offer not just a degree but a gateway to innovation and excellence. Whether it’s the esteemed IITs, the research-centric IISc Bangalore, or the specialized institutes like IIST, each offers unique opportunities to soar high in aerospace engineering. Remember, the best college for you will align with your academic aspirations, provide industry exposure, and support your research interests. With the insights I’ve shared, you’re now equipped to make an informed decision that will launch your future to stellar heights.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I study Aerospace Engineering without JEE?

Yes, it’s possible to pursue Aerospace Engineering without appearing for the JEE. Some colleges may offer alternative admission criteria.

What is the minimum rank for Aerospace Engineering in IIT?

The minimum rank for Aerospace Engineering in IIT can vary each year. It’s best to check the latest JoSAA counselling round cutoff for the current statistics.

What is the monthly income of Aerospace Engineering?

An Aerospace Engineer in India earns approximately ₹4.0 Lakhs per year, which is around ₹33.3k per month. This can vary based on experience and location.

What is the maximum salary in ISRO?

The maximum salary for an ISRO Scientist after 7th CPC ranges from INR 15,600 to INR 80,000 per month, depending on the position and experience.

How can I join NASA from India?

To join NASA as an Indian, you would first need to acquire U.S. citizenship since NASA hires U.S. citizens. Citizenship can be obtained through the naturalization process.

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